Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ruby Murray - London Calling Fall 08

Designs from Fall 08 shown during Edmonton Fashion Week

The day of judgement cometh, formerly entitled Tears, Tantrums and the case of the stolen portfolio

So the fashion show came and went, and a wave of peace and tranquility has been washing over me ever since, after 9 months of planning, designing, sewing and general hair pulling, the show went without a hitch...... at least for me anyway.

Top 3 grumbles overheard back stage at Edmonton Fashion Week Fall/Winter 08 (Grad show)

1. Why has this model dieted after I have altered the garment to fit her?
2. Why does my garment rack keep collapsing everytime I turn my back? (ok this was me)
3. Why did I make a garment for myself which is completely see through? (but only in the butt area) this one's for you Lacey K.

Ok.... despite all of this, a stolen portfolio and an abundance of hissy fits, tears and diva tantrums it went well.

The models were awesome and considering we stalked most of them around town until they gave in and said they'd do it they 'worked it out' (said in a drag queen screech complete with finger waving and body swerve) on the run way.

Names to watch out for in Edmonton/Canada/the world......

Ruby Murray - Military, Euro style with beautifully tailored silhouettes featuring unique zipper detailing.

Sleeping Buddha - Organic, earth friendly fabrics transformed into fashion forward separates.

Gin & Tea - Bringing vintage inspired Sunday best frocks and smart casual menswear to every day wear.

Neihya - Inspired by beautiful fabrics from far and wide, detailed clothing in flattering fits with amazing attention to detail and bold use of colour.

Photos didn't turn out as good as they could have so not a huge amount to choose from but a whole lot better than the professional photographer that took 95% of shots side on and clearly had no experience in fashion photography (ho hum!!)

Catch ya later buds and check back for the photos, not to be missed.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fashion show countdown

So only 5 days until Edmonton Fashion week and my first show, exciting? yes, terrifying? pretty much! After sewing 8 outfits (15 pieces in all) I now have to decide on THE most important decision possibly of my life (certainly of my life so far).............. (cue the pensive Eastenders cliffhanger drum beat) what to wear.

We have approximately 1 minute of face time with the audience at the end of the show when we walk out with the models to show off the whole collection together and obviously I have to look damn good and represent my style. So what do I wear? (roots through wardrobe, fabric stash and sketch book simultaneously) it has to be something I've made or at least some of it should be really.

So I've realised I probably should not be sat on my butt blogging, damn you Blogspot (shakes fists vehemently to the heavens) you have lured me away from another critical project!!

..... and on that note I will leave you in suspenders (lol) and get on with a staggeringly fabtastic outfit, ok so fabtastic started off as a typo but now I am committing to bringing this word first into Canadian vocabulary, (shouldn't be hard they are lapping up the UK accent!!) and secondly into the Oxford English Dictionary (again I can't foresee many difficulties since Football managers can get the word bouncebackability in their I can see I am on to a winner already)

(Sings in a creepy Sound of Music style) Adieu, Adieu to yeu and yeu and yeu

Smell ya later

Ruby xxxx