Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Working 9 to 5

So, I am now in the big wide world of work, yeah ok it's not for the first time but a whole year off? sheesh!!

So far I am on my second day of my practicum with Edmonton based fashion magazine Parlour and I have got to say I am enjoying it immensely, possibly due to the fact that I've worked a grand total of 5 hours in two days. I am definitely in the right industry!

Today I had the whole day off, and so I spent it serging up a storm whipping up a dress and 4 tops out of some wicked vintage fabric), it was like being on summer holidays as a kid, I stayed in my dressing gown till 4 o'clock and only got dressed when my bud came to visit!! I resisted the temptation to eat cereal all day, although I did gorge myself on beetroot and squishy cheese triangles, oh and chocolate!! mmmmmmmhh chocolate!

My buddy has been staying with us for a bit and she's moved out which is sad, although no more feelings of awkwardness about walking to the toilet naked, that is a plus side I guess, although naked russian roulette at 4 am after way too much tea did have a charm all of its own!

Anyway, I am back in my dressing gown drinking tea and sewing so all in all a pretty productive day.

Thought for the day: Tomorrow must make a concerted effort to get a job that pays REAL money, no magic beans

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's all about the BLOG

So here I am, I thought it was about time I join the rest of the civilised world and started blogging, after all when you're Auntie is emailing (probably from her Blackberry!) telling you to check out her blog, it's probably a sign you are getting left behind by:

a. civilisation
b. your considerably older relatives

neither of which is cool, and besides I have my debut collection of military styled Womenswear due next week in time for Fashion Week and so what better time than to introduce another outlet by which I can procrastinate, now that the shine has worn off Facebook.
I currently have over 200 invitations to groups, events and weird Werewolf applications that I have absolutely no intention of accepting, neither do I have the time or inclination to delete them, but in Facebook terms, I think I've officially 'made it' like 'having my own stalker' is to Celebrity.

I will leave with a thought for the day: Facebook......... is it an essential networking tool, or just a very large photo album of ugly people (cue the frantic uploading of desperately photoshopped profile images!)